© Basildon Philatelic Society, 2023
Tomex Quiz
In the run up to Christmas the society devotes one of it's December meetings to a festive night. A traditional part of this is the Tomex Quiz, instigated by Albert Thomas and Doug Hex in 1981. The format of the quiz can vary from year to year as the questions are set by the previous year's winner.

Here's your chance to try the Tomex Quiz from 2021. There are six rounds, each of six questions, giving a maximum of 36 marks. Can you do better than the winner who achieved a splendid 24 marks?

If you prefer to work from a printed question paper you can download it as a PDF file HERE.

You can check your answers by downloading the answer sheet HERE.
Basildon v Billericay Quiz
At one time the borough of Basildon had two philatelic societies within its boundaries. At irregular intervals the two clubs competed for the Basildon v Billericay Quiz in a keenly fought but light hearted contest.
"All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
Ernest Rutherford